Kelly Cooper

Role: PTA President


Maria gugliuzza

Role: VP1 - GATI/Teacher Appreciation


Jessa Keane

Role: VP2 - Volunteering


Stephanie hradesky

Role: VP3 - Fundraising/Events


Colleen Moffett

Role: Treasurer


Jennifer Mills

Role: Recording Secretary


ERin Iosa

Role: Corresponding Secretary


You too can play a vital role in the success of our programs and events at Curtis Fundamental even if you aren't able to be at school.  

Committees & Chairs


Cary Aungst


Ahila Turner

Legislative Chair

Brittany DiGrande

Initiatives Chair

Nilda Callaghan

5th Grade Celebration

Anne Punch


Lindsay Churchill

Technology Chair

Alexandra Cordoba


Looking to get involved?  Join a committee!

 We have volunteer opportunities for working parents, at home jobs, or roles for those that have more time on their hands too.

 If you are interested in serving on a committee for the Curtis Fundamental PTA, please e-mail: 

What we do:

Executive Board:

PTA President:  Helps to create a caring community of parent volunteers and ensure support to teachers. Listens and pursues solutions to parent and teacher concerns. Confers with the Principal and Executive Board regarding school community wants/needs, plans for the year, and progress toward goals. Oversees the work of other Executive Board members and committee chairs. 

VP1: PUBLIC RELATIONS:  Organizes and heads a committee to plan and run Great American Teach In (November). Organizes Teacher Appreciation Week (usually May), picks the theme and coordinates with other elected board members to assign them tasks during this week. 

VP2: VOLUNTEERING:  Actively works to recruit and manage volunteers at the school and PTA events. 

VP3: WAYS AND MEANS:  There will be 2 members filling this position who are in charge of all fundraising events for Curtis PTA. 

Treasurer:  Maintains permanent records to track unit funds and financial transactions. Chairs budget committee and prepares annual budget for adoption by the association. Pays all PTA bills as authorized by board or association. Prepares reports for every board and association meeting and an annual financial report. 

Recording Secretary:  Responsible for keeping accurate records of the proceedings of the association. 

Corresponding Secretary:  Creates and distributes the monthly newsletter and weekly emails. 

Committee Chairs:

Membership Chair

In charge of recruiting, enlisting and coordinating all PTA memberships. Fills out appropriate paperwork to provide to the PTA Treasurer. Keeps an accurate list of members, including their contact information and emails. Provide membership information to the President, Treasurer, and Secretary via email report. This position is most busy at the start of the school year. 

T-Shirt Chair

Works with the president to determine orders and funds received for accurate order processing. Conducts a bi-annual t-shirt sale and is in charge of collecting orders, placing the order with distributors and distributing sales to ordering families. Responsible for seeking approval from the Curtis Principal of all new items. Works with Ways and Means Chair cooperatively to design a shirt for FFN and
assist in this sale. 

Legislative Chair 

Attend at least 3 Pinellas County council meetings per year to represent Curtis PTA and qualify the local unit for insurance discounts. Give a report to the executive board as needed. Stays informed of the legislative platforms that will be presented at the annual state PTA convention and present the information at the board meetings. Attends the PTA convention/yearly workshop if able. Represent Curtis Fundamental PTA at legislative functions hosted by the district, county counsel, and other events as often as possible. 

Initiatives Chair 

Works to follow through with new ideas that have been presented to the board as well as researches ways the PTA can give back to our students, families and our community. 

Yearbook Chair 

Will compile, coordinate, design layout and cover for yearbook. Will collect photos and other pertinent necessary information for the yearbook. In charge of order forms and distribution of yearbooks. Process orders as they come in with an executive board member when necessary (during times when handling money). Will take pictures during school events and inside each classroom. 

Technology Chair/Webmaster 

Oversees and updates the website via google sites as needed.