MEETINGS 2023/2024 School Year

* Meeting Topics and Locations TBD unless stated *

All meetings begin at 7pm unless otherwise stated.  A QRCODE will be displayed at the end of the meeting. Sharing the QRCODE with anyone that was not able to attend the meeting is grounds for immediate dismissal.

August 23rd - Open House

Kindergarten at 6pm

3rd and 5th at 7pm 

August 24nd - Open House

1st, 2nd, & 4th Grades at 7pm 

September 12th - PTA General Meeting

Topic: Fundamental 101

Location: Dunedin High School

October 10th - PTA General Meeting

Topic: Dreambox Tech Night

Location: Clearwater High School 

November 14th - PTA General Meeting

Topic: Reading under the Stars

Location: Curtis Fundamental

*Bring your kiddos, blankets, flashlights, lanterns and books. St. Petersburg Astronomy Club will be on campus with their telescopes. Please make sure you stop by the Book Fair during the evening! 

December - NO MEETING

January 9th - PTA General Meeting

Topic: Big Emotions Speaker

Location: Palm Harbor University 

February 13th - PTA General Meeting

Topic: STEAM Night 

Location: Curtis Fundamental

*Students are welcome. Hands on activates focused on science, technology, engineering, arts, and math

March 5th - PTA General Meeting

Topic: Keeping Calm During Testing Speaker

Location: Countryside High School

April 19th - PTA General Meeting


Location: Curtis Fundamental


Per fundamental policy, arriving late, leaving early, or failure of a parent to sign in the evening of the meeting will result in the meeting being counted as 'unattended'. If a parent cannot attend, a representative (18 years or older) may be sent. This representative may NOT be a parent of another student or teacher at Curtis. Parents may send a representative to only two meetings. It is the parent's responsibility to make the representative aware of all obligations, including arriving on time and staying until the meeting has ended and signing in on the QR code at the end of the meeting. After one (1) missed meeting a reminder letter will be sent to the family. After two (2) missed meetings the family will be placed on probation. A third missed meeting results in referral to the Intervention and Appeals committee with the possibility of being referred to the Student Assignment Office for reassignment to a school with available space.